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ASIC ASIC Searches and Lodgements
Australian Securities & Investments Commission Index of current ASIC online services
Company and company names information People or organisations that ASIC registers or licences
Company Search (National Names Index)
Find basic details about current & former companies, business names, schemes, trusts & non-registered entities; ABN, ACN...
AFS Licensees Register
All people or organisations who hold an Australian financial services licence.
Identical Company Names Check
Check the availability of a proposed company name.
Authorised Representatives Register
All people or organisations that are authorised as representatives by an Australian financial services licensee or by a corporate representative of a licensee. Directors and employees of licensees are not listed as they do not need to be authorised.
Company Alerts
Receive email notification when a company you are monitoring lodges a document with ASIC.
Professional Registers
Registered auditors and authorised audit companies, registered liquidators & official liquidators.
Banned & disqualified persons and companies Fundraising disclosure documents
Banned & disqualified persons and companies
Persons who have been banned or disqualified under provisions of the Corporations Act.
OFFERlist Document Search
All fundraising offer documents, such as prospectuses, offer information statements, profile statements and product disclosure statements lodged with ASIC from 13 March 2000.
Create and update fundraising offer documents and product disclosure statements.
Unclaimed Money
Search for money that has been classified as unclaimed from financial institutions and companies.
Companies / ASIC registered agents Financial services
ASIC Registered Agents
Company Officeholders
Check and change company details online (easylodge).
Start an application
Resume an application
Lodge a licence application online.
AFS Licencees Portal
Amend/ vary licence authorisations and conditions, appoint auditors, lodge annual accounts and auditor report online.
Registered liquidators Auditors and authorised audit companies
Registered Liquidator Portal
Lodge registered liquidator documents online (EXAD)
Auditors and authorised audit companies
Change any of your registration details, notify us that you are ceasing to practise as an auditor or authorised audit company or lodge your annual statement.
Register for online access
Request a corporate key